Imagine being young and hearing for the first time names like London, Toronto, Sydney and Dubai and hearing about their culture but having no overview of where these places are arranged around the planet.Then you receive a map, a globe of the earth and you are immediately able to plan a ‘world trip’ with new wisdom and insight as to how you can proceed.It is called the code.Now it is here and about to be revealed to you.This Code is a map that explicitly names the 100 attitudes, behaviours, thoughts, ideas and concepts that exist at each 100 ‘tiles’ as they are now named.The 0 to 59 tiles are seen as tiles with limitations, Entrapments and lacking true power.Tiles 60 to 100 are empowered, have integrity and contain all the elements a leader aspires to, whereas tiles 0–59 are considered to belong to our Ego.Let’s look at what we mean by the Ego.It is the ‘I’ or smaller self of a person, the part of a person that separates itself out from the selves of others and from the objects of its thought.The Ego gathers ideas, beliefs, concepts, feelings and selects memories to support the stories that it gathers around these accumulations.It compares itself endlessly to others and wants to feel good about itself, often at the expense of others.It will defend its behaviours, even when others are affected negatively.Ego says, ‘It’s okay to have some anger, worry, scepticism or some arrogance’ because it is not aware of the consequences of these Ego traits.It is also known as the Soul, fundamental self, deeper self, quintessential self, ultimate self or higher conscience.People see these qualities in others and are inspired to find them in themselves.Importantly, the code shows you a way out of the limited tiles and into the empowered tiles.The more you sit with each of the tiles or dispositions and contemplate how each is present in your life, the more the Code awakens within you so that it goes beyond something to consume as an intellectual endeavour.The code promotes a new paradigm of exposing the truth in any situation.The code provides stepping stones into this paradigm, charting the spectrum of emotional intelligence from our deepest inadequacies through to our heroic best.It offers a blueprint for how to rise up the scale of awareness to improve leadership.How Can the code Improve Performance and Leadership Success?There have been many attempts at improving leadership success, most focusing on one, two or a few important qualities or behaviours.Now we have 100 identifications of where you are currently at with your behaviour, attitude and performance and importantly, where you can get to and how to get to it.Another example is the game Snakes & Ladders.It also provides a map for the inspirational leadership qualities that have the capacity to address the huge challenges currently faced by our global community.This potential does not have to be a rare occurrence.We are facing challenges that can only be addressed through the unification of the globe beyond national or parochial interests.These challenges of climate, violence, prejudice, slavery and narcissism can all be reversed and it is definitely not too late.Where Did the code Come From?Their collaboration over the last few years has birthed a blueprint that they have used in companies across the globe to transform these organizations by infusing the blueprint through the structure of the companies and solidifying their relationship with integrity.What this integrity looks like, feels like and sounds like has never been so precisely articulated and yet even though the map is explicit, the outcome of the application of the code is different according to the needs of the company.It is not prescriptive.There are many ways to utilize the code and we offer it as a lifelong learning tool.It can help you to go to the deepest levels of human nature and assist with any ongoing professional development.There will always be a tile to explore in more depth, always a person entering the team, or your life in general, who is displaying a tile that you realize you would like to know more about.Now that the code has been released, its very existence and inherent nature assists those who invest in it to have greater access to the truth of whatever is being investigated.If you are genuinely committed to becoming an Incredible Leader, the process must go beyond the first reading.We recommend you engage in the suggested activities and programmes that will maximize your engagement with the Code and its potential to transform your leadership.Like any endeavour, any time you invest in the programme is for you and your growth, which translates into being a more aware, compassionate and effective leader.This requires effort and challenging lax belief systems that have become ineffective in directing real change.This is useful but now you have the entire 100, all presented in a matrix that opens in direct relation to the degree that you put effort into it.Its deepest secrets require more than just a quick read.We also encourage you to actively use the App in order to familiarize yourself with the tiles that can entrap you in weak leadership, and learn how to free yourself from the Entrapments.It needs dedicated and devoted effort, and also a passion for leading in a way that inspires people to act with integrity and on behalf of each other’s and the planet’s wellness.Are you willing to do that?The code charts the spectrum of the psychological intelligence, including emotions, thoughts and behaviours.We can now identify where we are individually and collectively as a team on this spectrum and begin to rise up towards Incredible Leadership.His parents called out, but he couldn’t be found.It felt wonderful to be able to get away from everybody!Later in life, Wayno felt that as a child he had loved silence.When asked to speak in front of a group, he felt a tension.He avoided groups and requested to be left out.He identified with having only one best friend, or none at all.He felt different to others and became anxious when he had to talk to any more than one person.Family was the exception.As a child, he (木) 16:27:48url= would dig out an underground shelter and create ‘special groups’, always with just one other mate.Wayno stayed mainly silent through school and university.Even when playing the highest level of football for Australia, he was a man of very few words.As a psychology teacher, he would deliver the class to the students and then stay mostly silent.At 42, he felt adventurous and had a career change.He attained diplomas in hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and kinesiology.He travelled the world to learn directly from experts in many fields of health and healing and leadership.The thing that made him different was coming alive inside as he collaborated with unique people, masters in many parts of the world.He was owning his difference, realizing power, and began teaching about empowerment and being spontaneous as he truly felt Footer&af_web_dp= these qualities inside of himself finally coming out.Wayno had an underground room in his house and invited people to a group meeting, much as he had as that child 40 years earlier.He called it ‘The Path of the Mystic’.That was 20 years ago and the group is still alive and thriving now, with passionate, dedicated members physically meeting once or twice a week.The teachings were originally given by Wayno but now all members are teachers in their own right.Wayno can still be found spending hours each day in the forest engaging with the code Mastery Techniques.From a hesitant boy not knowing what to do with his difference, he is now really enjoying bringing that difference to the group.Case Study SteveSteve’s loving mother once told him as a child that he could do anything and Steve still holds faith in that today.He always wondered why some leaders and institutions couldn’t be better in how they led.His life’s work evolved to find new ways for leaders to create outperformance, build extraordinary companies, create trusting fellowships, and improve human performance.150 Leaders on Business, Life and Leadership, with a foreword by Richard Branson.Steve is a China expert and an honoured and trusted friend to many of China’s domestic entrepreneurs.So where did the focus on China start?Back in 2008, Steve Tappin presented a keynote in New York City.He was then asked to visit China to coach Chinese leaders.Joe assisted in setting up Harvard Center in China.Members include Jack Ma of Alibaba Group, Wang Jianlin of Dalian Wanda Group, Liu Chuanzhi of Lenovo, and Li Shufu of Geely Wars - tic tac too flash game. Automobile Holdings.On Business, Life and Leadership in China and Dream to Last.Through his unique experience, he brings to life the motivations of Chinese leaders, understanding how they tick and how best to work with them.In 2019, Steve and Wayno introduced the code to China for the first time, to a predominantly Chinese team working within a Western company.Would the translation of the meaning of the words work for them?Also in 2019, an opportunity arose to work with another group in China, using the code.Could the company come back after losing customers, damaging retailers’ confidence and creating internal conflicts?The fact was the team didn’t really understand their competitors, who were changing all the time.This was not an easy conversation to have and at times caused Chinese ‘swirl outs’, which occur when Westerners push them too much, or when they need a break but are afraid to voice it.Wayno highlighted that many Chinese women consider being nice, compliant and overly respectful to be great characteristics, but the downside of this way of being is that it can be interpreted as being subservient and submissive and leaders can take advantage of team members displaying these characteristics.The team expressed who they really are in Chinese names such as ‘Good Fairy’, ‘Big Fortune’, ‘Rockstar’, ‘Sufficient Supply’.They quickly shifted from a team of wonderful individuals to an incredible team of wonderful individuals.The Code offers them a powerful technique to continue mapping the way forward for China.Humanity has explored many types of external stimuli in order to transcend our ordinary awareness.Examples of this journey towards awareness are music, literature, dance, extreme sports, drugs, alcohol and many more.Life is very complex.We suggest you see it as a jigsaw puzzle.The code has identified the jigsaw pieces that make up the complexity and we call them ‘tiles’.They are organized into 10 levels with 10 tiles in each.Therefore, we have 100 tiles or jigsaw puzzle pieces and the code has put all these together to complete the puzzle for you.Instead of Wayno and Steve searching for the answer, together, they intuitively pieced together the code and where all the tiles were to be located within the Code.Each tile is a way of perceiving the world, living, being, communicating, emoting and thinking.Some tile dispositions have more power, while others are limited in their capacity to drive change.Your First TeamThink for a moment about when you were first involved in a team.Back at the start, whoever was your caregiver gave you the first experience and conditioning of what it is to be in a team.This is deeply embedded in you and is at a subconscious level.Did they role model fellowship, where everyone sat around to tell their story of the day, where beliefs or opinions and questions were valid and valued?‘do it my way or the highway’, which is dominating and Controlling?Or perhaps it was something between these two extremes?This subconscious, initial leadership style can be your default when things are challenging or you are asked to deal with a crisis.However, it may not be in your awareness that this initial conditioning is part of who you are as a leader.Your adult self generates a wiser approach by incorporating things you have read or seen modelled.These can be more caring and more inclusive.However, the original team is at your core.This is what you need to identify, realize and release from your life if this core, initial way of leading is not the best version of yourself.As you read through the next section, be aware of which levels your caregivers were operating from and where you operate from in times when all is going well, and then consider the times when the real challenges occur.Let’s start by looking at the spine of the code.It contains 10 levels, each with 10 tiles.It is possible to be in one, two or even three levels at the same time.You move up and down the code ladder depending on external influences and inner mental, emotional and physical influences.Let’s take a brief look at each level to get a feel for the spine of the Code.The Entrapment LevelsWhich is the best order in which to read the levels and why?Everybody relates to ‘wanting’ something.From an early age we want things that give us pleasure and we don’t want those that bring displeasure or pain.Now if we are not getting what we want, we have two ways to go in the Code.Because so many leaders operate this way, we will look at this sequence first.We then ascend up through the Code from 70s, 80s, 90s to Beyond Incredible, finding more empowerment as we go.Wanting, 30–39This is all about trying to get what I think I want.Having a want is a type of personal motivation.There are potentially hundreds of wants that a leader generates in any given day.I can want others to improve, others to change, others to be more for the team.Interactions with others can be very transactional, where I see them as a means to an end.That end is what I want/don’t want.If I can get what I want, it can become addictive.It can feel good to create harder and harder challenges to get what I want.One direction if I use pressure and manipulation to get what I want is to go up to Controlling.Controlling, 40–49This level is all about manipulation, consciously or subconsciously, to get what I think I want.Many controlling patterns are learned from a person’s upbringing in early life.I learn to become agitated, disgruntled and irritated when I am denied getting things.This eventually builds so I need to blame others for things not working out in my life.It may be that I want something from the team or they want something from me.When that doesn’t manifest, I blame them or someone else to take the heat off me, such as others’ incompetence, ignorance, lack of intelligence or organization.If that works, and I get away with it, I will learn to do it more and may include nastiness and aggression to make my point.Egotistical, 50–59Having manipulated the situation to get what I want by being Controlling, I can sit back feeling pleased with myself that this is what I do to get what I want.I can justify and defend whatever it takes.I don’t have to look at myself or how it affects others as my primary focus is on results that support my Ego.I am not open to being told any of this.Why should I change as I have learned how to get what I want?Stressed, 20–29The other direction I can go when I don’t get what I want is downwards, towards being unsure, indecisive and stressed.Stressed is about what might happen in the future based on the past or the unknown.The uncertainty of not knowing activates psychological and physical tension.In its mildest form, I am unsure and hesitant.I do not feel safe or secure in a way forward.At its extreme, it is paralyzing my abilities.I will not be able to move forward and into a new adventure because I have real or imagined evidence that something might ‘go wrong’.This level is disempowering as it puts up a temporary barrier to the proposed change.Despondent, 10–19Here, it’s hard to get going, to get motivated or to derive real meaning and purpose from the team’s activities.The mindset is that whatever I do will be substandard, disappointing or unrecognized, or will not even be listened to, so why bother?There is the domain of being psychologically wounded or hurt and not really recovering from it.Also, it’s a lack of motivation connected to not knowing what the purpose of the team is.I can be triggered into feeling like a victim and life can seem like it’s unfair.I can be a leader but I am hypersensitive to the trigger that reopens any of my psychological wounds.I could be evasive and will find it hard to look at any areas of personal improvement or to bring to you what your areas of improvement might be.That’s too vulnerable a place to be as it’s close to my psychological wounds.I might try to play safe and withdraw.Lifeless, 0–9This is the most disempowered level.

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Last-modified: 2021-11-11 (木) 16:27:48 (904d)