Very good point! They teach men to look like they have options or at least have us believe they have options. How is this accomplished without loosing the jealousy beast? I think jealousy naturally arises in the beginning stages of a relationship. You want to know you’re The One and will test this hope by performing shit tests. I have to say I’m deliberate in NOT doing this but wonder if my lack of testing hasn’t actually backfired. I’m not enough of a challange so to speak. There has been a lot of information given to women about men and jealousy, it’s been painted as a bad thing, red flag warnings for future relationship health etc. I think men have perhaps been trained not to appear jealous because of the current reaction women have to it. Once upon a time it might have been flattering and now it’s scary. This could account for the low number of men in the study.

Sorry cross posted this on girl game….ooops.

LILGRL PERMALINK* September 28, 2009 2:48 pm If I felt I am being in some sense tested then I would in no way wish to participate in the experiment. I would neither wish to pass the test or engage in the game in any way.

This is interesting. I take this to mean that you’d not sink to “passing” shit-tests, in that case, which means that you’d ultimately be passed over by girls. As jz pointed out, this is sort of a shit-test. However. I think that anyone who thinks girls who shit-test are awful, horrible people who don’t deserve the time of day are, well, delusional. While shit-testing shouldn’t be very common after the relationship is set — it should, and will, still happen. This is actually where guy-game comes into play — you practice game in order to continue passing her shit-tests. In order to keep her interested in YOU. Guys are expected to stay alphs’d up in a relationship, in the same way that girls are expected to stay thin and hot. If either starts to deteriorate — guys becoming betafied or girls getting fat — the relationship, LIKE IT OR NOT, begins to deteriorate.

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Last-modified: 2021-11-19 (金) 00:37:07 (897d)