Sex Lips: "I take it that I'm either going out alone, or I'm going to bed."

That's when I feel like shit for making her wait for so long. Time is VERY important to me, and when someone tells me that they're going to do something and doesn't do it within a reasonable amount of time, I get extremely frustrated and upset.

12:30. Our DD finally arrives. I shoot her a text...

Me: "We're on our way."

Sex Lips: "Actually, I just found a friend to go shoot pool with down the street. You stay safe (not being sarcastic [<----She really put this in parenthesis. Throughout the entire night, we were trading sarcastic smartass remarks])"

We then go out to a new club (Light/Azura), and I don't have a good time at all. It's late. I'm frustrated. And there is an annoying short girl who keeps tapping me on my shoulder to try to get my attention. This is totally my fault. I shouldn't have kept her waiting for so long. And that's when I decide that I'll make it up to her by taking her out without my friends tagging along. A rare event indeed...

The following week (via text)...

Me: "Today is kind of erratic, but tomorrow (Sunday), I wanna take you out before it gets too late."

Sex Lips: "And what does this consist of?"

I tell her...

Sex Lips: "Dinner and unusual acts of violence? It almost sounds like a date."

Me: "Almost."

Sex Lips: "I'm in."

I tell her that I'll give her a call sometime tomorrow. Sunday comes. She sends me another text...

Sex Lips: "I realize you are prob going to be irritated with me, but I have a horrible headache. I thought it would be gone by now. Are you free during the week some01:32:59"

Are you serious? I went through a lot to set aside time for this. Fuck no, I don't have time during the week for her...

Me: "Nope. My schedule is tight. You stay home and get better."

Do you see what I did there? If you don't, then too bad...

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Last-modified: 2021-11-04 (木) 01:32:59 (912d)