I’m sorry about your loss. May you find comfort in your grief.

I have a friend I met on a message board six years ago. We’ve corresponded via e-mail 2-3 times a week all these years. I think we are pretty close and know each other pretty well. I count her as a friend as much as anyone who I got to know the old-fashioned way. Heck, she’s a better friend than some of the people I hang with. But I think our friendship could only be strengthened by actual face-to-face contact. jim´s last [type] ..A long ago Wabash River crossing

Steve says:

October 1, 2010 at 10:21 am I read some of Jim’s stuff too and I am sorry to read about him passing. Steve´s last [type] ..My Banned Book List

Steve says:

October 1, 2010 at 10:33 am I have a love/hate relationship with the internet too.

I found myself being very disdainful of a number of new technologies. Then one day I put that together with the contradiction of having grown up as a science fiction fan.

I remembered comments adults made about various subjects when I was a kid. I concluded that I was at a crossroads. I could choose to be open to the better aspects of new technologies or become a cranky old person clinging to the past with my attitudes.

The really hard part, which I haven’t mastered, is getting the maximum good while minimizing the bad.

People used to say TV had its good points and they were right. However, I never felt that balanced out watching it for 5 hours a day like many people still do.

This situation, the tendency to piss good opportunities away and to rationalize it with a bit of truth is even more true with the internet.

I think the internet can bring people together and keep you in touch with people you already know, but I don’t think people can truly be friends ( maybe friendly acquaintances , really know each other, until they have spent time, in person together. Steve´s last [type] ..My Banned Book List

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Last-modified: 2021-04-23 (金) 00:42:15 (1107d)