There were a lot of thoughtful, insightful, cheeky responses, including Chaotic Kitten’s that won the 2nd prize trophy of an Amazon e-gift card. (You know, to get my Border’s card I had to give a mailing address to a self-described aspiring pimp, and Kitten only had to give an email address. Who was the real winner here?) I read all of the entries (kudos to everyone), and one particular point was brought up time and again – a successful relationship, where success means the partnership has real staying power, starts with you loving yourself. I couldn’t agree more. That’s a major ingredient for empty-house happiness, and knowing yourself and being happy with who you are is huge, in general. But a relationship that ends in break-up can be considered a success if you learned something from the experience. My favorite line posted to the competition came from Taoist Biker who said this about partners in a successful relationship: they treat each other and the “entity” that is their relationship as something of value. Reading that made me think – as a divorced dad I sometimes hide behind my parenting role and don’t jump completely into a new relationship. Fear of getting hurt again? Fear of screwing things up? Maybe it’s time to remind myself that a long-term romantic partnership truly is a thing of value. (Fodder for a future post.) Thanks, Honey and Lance for running a great contest, and for the first-prize Borders gift card. As I shamelessly crow to the world about this award, I was just wondering – do either of you have a last name of Pulitzer or Nobel? Doesn’t hurt to ask… Thanks again!

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Last-modified: 2021-03-04 (木) 00:17:24 (1157d)